Frequently asked questions

If you are looking for driving directions use this address: 5801 Patterson Ave Richmond, VA 23226


Where, exactly, is Party on The Avenues this year?

Party On the Avenues is at the intersection of Patterson and Libbie Aves. Libbie Avenue will be closed from Patterson to Guthrie.

What are the times for Party On the Avenues? 



How much does it cost? 

The event is free to attend, although there will be opportunities to patronize vendors, some kids activities, food trucks, and purchase alcoholic beverages. Cash and credit cards will be accepted.


Should I bring my kids? 

Absolutely! This is a family AND pet friendly event. We will feature a kids area with “low touch point” activities!


What about dogs? 

We love pets and you should bring them. Please make sure your pet is leashed and you have the appropriate "clean up after them" supplies.


Where can we park?

There are several lots surrounding the area. In addition, some of the meters are free on the weekends in the Libbie/Patterson area. We encourage you to walk from the surrounding neighborhoods


What about those golden beverages? 

There will be several brands of beer/wine available. Make sure you bring your ID and a designated driver...Please Drink Responsibly. Also, outside alcohol and coolers are NOT allowed and will be confiscated.


What if it rains? 

Then we will get wet! Unless it is unsafe, Party On the Avenues is a rain or shine event!


What about weapons?

 Really? It's not that kind of festival.  Leave them at home.

what are fund raised from this event used for?

Funds raised through this event support capital projects, beautification and support small businesses within the Westhampton District.


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